Let's play BINGO
This is a fun activity for the whole family to take part in. BINGO with colours is a fun game for the children to play while also working on visual skills, turn taking skills and learning their colours.

Area: game, academic
You need: Paper/card, scissors, bowl
If you have a printer- print off the documents below and cut out
If you don't have a printer- Use a marker to draw out the cards and then cut out coloured card or colour in the square using crayons/markers
Cut out squares from white paper.
How it works:
Give each child a bingo card.
Give each child 6 white squares.
Put the coloured squares in a bowl.
You will pull out a coloured square from the bowl and hold it up. If the child has that colour on their card they will cover it with a white square.
The first child who has all their bingo card covered in white paper wins.
If you don't have coloured ink, use this template and colour in the squares with crayons/markers or stick on coloured paper:
Have fun!